Who is Major Taing Chhirc?
A Cambodian Church leader, Chhirc spoke at the Keswick Convention in 1973 issuing a challenging call to raise awareness and prayer for his country, out of which grew Cambodia Action. Chhirc was killed for his faith when Phnom Penh fell to the Khmer Rouge in April 1975. His widow, Bophana, lives in Edinburgh.
Just after the Khmer Rouge took over Phnom Penh on 17th April 1975, Chhirc wrote the following letter to Bophana:
P Penh, April 20, 1975
Dear Bophana,
Enclosed please find 321$US to be used for the Lord's work among the Khmer refugees in France.
Please continue to win souls to our Lord Jesus Christ while we are waiting for His glorious return and His Kingdom.
I am invited today to join our friends and brothers in the new Communist regime. Our parents are all well. Please pray for us and for me that one day the Lord will bring me our of Cambodia to serve Him in France and other free countries and meet with you again.
I am going to try my best to get out of the country as the Lord may lead me to do. &
Bophana, my darling, ... please stay true to the Lord Jesus. He is coming soon. Please read your Bible every day and keep on praying for me and our family.
from your husband,
Soon afterwards Chhirc went out into Phnom Penh to witness for His saviour and disappeared.