Online Giving

For ease, you can process monthly credit & debit card payments via PayPal. Please consider completing a gift-aid form – see below.

We appreciate all financial gifts, however, regular giving is very helpful to us as it makes it much easier to predict the resources we are going to have available for doing. God’s work in Cambodia. The amount and interval at which you donate are set by you. We are grateful for all giving in this way.
Cambodia Action General Fund
Your gift will help support our mission
Cambodia Action Travel Fund
Contribute to the travels of our staff
Support our Featured Partner

Mother’s Heart Organization
Mother’s Heart is committed seeing no woman or girl faces a crisis pregnancy alone. This is carried out by many dedicated staff members in two different cities being Phnom Penh and Battambang. Their mission: To empower, equip and educate woman and girls facing crisis pregnancies and their families through counselling, support services, medical care and community involvement so they can choose the best future for themselves and their babies.
Your Gift of £10
This can provide...
a pregnant woman or girl with a vital ultrasound check, ensuring the health of both mother and baby.
Donate Now
Your Gift of £10
This can provide...
essential vaccinations for a child from birth to 18 months, protecting them against a range of preventable diseases
Donate Now
Your Gift of £10
This can provide...
1 800mg can of milk formula, ensuring her baby receives regular and nutritious feedings
Donate Now
Leaving a legacy
It’s a difficult topic to talk about, but Cambodia Action has benefited from Legacies in the past, and we are asking you, our supporters to consider leaving something to Cambodia Action in your will. Contact us to find out more.
Other Payment Methods
Standing Order
To give regularly, you can use our standing order form. This instructs your bank to send us the set amount of money at the interval you select. Please download and complete the standing order form below. Completed forms should be returned to:
Cambodia Action Office, 15 Bushey Ley, Welwyn Garden City, AL7 3EY
If you pay tax then Cambodia Action could gain an extra 25% from your gift through gift aid. Please see details below.
You are able to give via cheque as well. Please make cheques payable to Cambodia Action and send them to our office:
Cambodia Action Office, 15 Bushey Ley, Welwyn Garden City, AL7 3EY
If you decided to give by cheque, please consider completing a gift-aid form – see below.
Gift Aid

What is it?
We can recover an extra 25% on each gift to use for the spreading of the Kingdom of God in Cambodia. For every £1 that you give, the inland revenue service will pay out to Cambodia Action and extra 25p, this at no extra cost to you. More details about gift-aid can be found on the website here.
Who can do Gift Aid?
As long as you are currently paying tax in the UK then you can claim gift-aid/
How do I do it?
Setting up gift aid is very simple. Click here to download the Gift Aid form and send it back to us at this address. We will do the rest of the work.
Cambodia Action Office, 15 Bushey Ley, Welwyn Garden City, AL7 3EY