
Cambodia Action serves our partners in Cambodia with sourcing personnel; if you do find a placement that suits you, please consider being placed and becoming a Cambodia Action team member as there are many benefits in doing so.


HOPE International School

Here is a list of current vacancies available at the schools for 2022

Please visit their website for more details.



Pioneering Partners Cambodia


  • English teachers in Phnom Penh

Email Chris for any further information at


ICC- ( Please note that Cambodia Action is no longer part of ICC. For  opportunities and placement with ICC please contact them directly at www.





 Work with M’lup Russey

  • Social Worker advisor– Location – Phnom Pehn. This self funding position will require a bit of travel outside the city. Among other duties, the candidate will support the Social work sector manager and team in following agreed case management procudures.
  • For more information on this role please contact Chris Catlin at